Leia: Princess of Alderaan-Rebellion General

Scarif. Sandy, watery world with and imperial citadel tower, she remembered.She was so glad her father trusted her for such an important mission .Commandeering the Tantiv IV once again ,she raced across the galaxy.She knew her mission was to collect some stolen plans for an imperial weapon and take them back to rebel command, but nothing else, and trusted that her father didn’t either..The Rebellion had been revealed in its full force to the empire, they had seen what they were up against.What was going to surprise the Empire today, was Alderaan’s support to this Rebellion.She remembered Kier…and almost instantly tried to take her mind away from it.She needed to focus.She was afraid but energised, prepared for whatever came next.From the cockpit she heard Captain Antilles calling,”Coming out of hyperspace in 3,2,1″.Bam!The ship shook as a true battle, came into view.Leia couldn’t tell who was winning, all around her, she saw destruction and devastation.Was this what it was going to take to push back the Empire?She was brought back to her ship when they received a transmission from Admiral Raddus.He was sending them the plans for the weapon. Lieutenant Batten and Captain Antilles both cast her sideways glances as she gave the order to jump back into hyperspace.She knew what she was doing, they’d just narrowly escaped Darth Vader and she wasn’t going to risk being captured again. Yes, this was what it was going to take to push back the Empire and she was ready.These plans were vital to the survival of the Rebellion so she had to get them back to Yavin 4 for analysis, no matter how many lives were being lost on Scarif.     She had Hope. article-2533850-1A5DEB7900000578-948_634x440.jpg

Photo Credits:Star Wars Episode IV:A New Hope

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