The Will of the Force

Death. What is it? What does it mean?

Master Yoda says it’s merely a change in form. A transformation from the living to the cosmic force. So why does everyone always look so grief stricken and sorrowful when they hear the news, if no one’s every really gone?

You can’t stop change, any more than you can stop the suns from setting. So why is it so hard to deal with? Nothing lasts forever…but, doesn’t it? If not in one form then another?

Why do we mourn those who transform into the force when they’re simply moving on? We must rejoice for them, not be so selfish. Their movement into a new world means they are at peace. It is the natural order of things, it can’t be stopped. So why do we even try?

Why is our fear of death always so much stronger than our will to live? So many questions…who’s answers are unknown. And that is our greatest fear of all. Everything we are afraid of seems to stem from what we do not know.

It amazes me that our minds always see a blank space as the end and not a new beginning.

An abyss and not an open door.

Darkness and not light.

Leaving everything behind, and not something to find.

…but Why?

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Photo Credits: Star Wars The Clone Wars

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