Princess of Nothing

Dust and Blood. That is all that is left of my planet. It was ripped apart before my eyes, before I could blink. And before I could even begin to process what I’d just witnessed I was whisked away back to my cold, dark, empty cell. The only family I’ve ever known or loved are gone and I can’t help thinking of Kier every minute. I can’t stop thinking that he was right…And he warned us, he knew that if we fought this fight we would never be safe. And now all those innocent, peaceful people? Half of whom never even knew about any of this, Are all gone.

…When it finally hit me I just curled up into a ball and sobbed my heart out. No one was watching, and no one heard me. I imagined my mother and father’s warm embrace. I felt them holding me just like they did the night that Kier died. But then I opened my eyes…and I didn’t know what to do. I thought of my mission. The plans. Obi wan Kenobi. It all seemed so distant and so irrelevant now. Who knew if anyone had even got my message, let alone followed its instructions. And even if they had, where would they go now? Alderaan…Alderaan is…, and my father too…and so is any hope of finishing this impossible mission.

That fire of rebellion I’d felt only hours ago when facing that blasted mind probe had diminished. The force inside me which brought me here in the first place had been silenced.

I am the Princess of Nothing.

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Photo Credits:                                                                

“Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it, you’ll never make it through the night.” ~Amyln Holdo (from ‘Star Wars The Last Jedi’)

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