
“You fought in the Clone Wars!?”, Luke exclaimed, “Of course! With my father, and Obi-Wan!”

Ahsoka smiled, “I did..”

“What was it like?”, Luke asked hopefully.

After a moment, Ahsoka responded, “It was…quite the experience…At the beginning it was…fun, honestly. But as it started to drag on we lost sight of what we were really fighting for and a lot of us started to question the point of it all. We were supposed to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers…we lost our way…and it cost us everything…” She turned away. It was too painful to think about.

“Is…that why you left?”, Luke asked tentatively.

Ahsoka sighed sadly, “More or less”

Luke sensed Ahsoka’s pain but he wasn’t ready to give up on his excitement. “I’ve heard stories,” he ventured, “about the clones fighting 100’s of battle droids everyday…and these crazy space battles…?”

Ahsoka smirked, “You want the war stories huh? You’d have got on great with the Clones.”

Luke beamed at her. He looked so painfully like Anakin it made it doubly harder for her to talk about him…Nevertheless, she told him about the battle of Geanosis, Kamino, Ryloth, Christophsis, the Siege of Mandalore, you name it. They boy was relentless-

“What class star fighter were you flying!?”

“wOaH! That’s a LOT of droids!”

“Ouch! Was he ok?”

“R2 did that! He never tells me anything!”

“Pirates!? Cool!”

She told him stories everyday as they trained. And it was helpful because it reminded her to teach him certain tactics and strategies that he might find useful.

“The Clones sound amazing”, Luke said one day when she was telling him about the tragic battle of Umbar, “what happened to them?”.

Instantly Ahsoka’s expression became guarded. She turned off her lightsabers and said, “Order 66…that’s what happened…A story for another time, perhaps…pack up…enough training for today…”

Luke watched her walk away, thinking that maybe wars really weren’t all that great…

Star wars characters pictures, Star wars pictures, Star wars cartoon

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