Fulcrum – Part 3

“Sorry boys but we won’t be flying TIE’s today. I don’t wanna leave my ship behind. We’re blasting our way into the next hanger. On my signal, run for it!”

They all shouted in acknowledgement and Ahsoka almost laughed…she hated that commanding troops came so naturally to her…They ran towards the hanger she’d directed them to, following close behind. She’d grabbed a blaster of her own although it felt uncomfortable, and they were making good progress until one of the men was hit below the knee. He crumpled to the floor screaming so she dashed over to him and pulled him behind a stack of crates. “Hey, hey”, she said as she shook him gently. “You think you can stay awake till we get to the ship? I’ll patch you up as soon as we’re on board.”

He mumbled something unintelligible so she took that as a no. She placed his hand hard over the wound and said, “Keep pressure on that ok?”, before running out to join the others. They were pinned down so she reverted to her last resort. She closed her eyes and pushed down all the troopers in front of them with the force, waving her hand in an arc. Cassian and the other man looked like they’d seen a ghost and she had to scream at them about their close-to-collapsing friend to shake them out of it. While most of the storm troopers were still down, she picked up the fallen man and made a run for the ship.

Fortunately, they made it just as the troopers started to wake up. Ahsoka set the unconscious man down in one of the seats of the ship and grabbed her lightsabers before dashing back out again to tell Cassian and his other friend to go start up the ship. She ignited her white blades and started deflecting bullets away from the ship, waiting for Cassian to give her the signal for takeoff. His friend was busy staring out of the side viewport at her display…

“Fulcrum! Time to go!”, she heard Cassian yell from inside the ship so she sheathed her blades and jumped onto the ramp just as it closed, and they took off.

Ahsoka ignored the 2 men’s numerous questions as she worked on cleaning and dressing their fallen comrades wound. It was a bit deep but nothing that wouldn’t heal. She wrapped a bandage around his leg and decide not to wake him up until they landed on Dantooine. Then she walked towards the cockpit and promised to answer all the questions they wanted.

She first told them her name. No more secrets, she had decided. Then they went through the usual stuff about Jedi and the Force and her lightsabers. Moments like these reminded her of the good that the Jedi did, and it made her feel like what she was doing was right.

She’d found people who needed her help, so she would help them, no matter what.

The Mandalorian S2 Casts Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka Tano | Observer

Photo Credits: Star Wars Rebels

Fulcrum – Part 2

“Fulcrum?”, Cassian said in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”

“Shh…”, Ahsoka said, “I’m here to rescue you. Stop gawking. Lets get out of here.”

“You know we could have escaped ourselves right?”, he said as they dashed through corridors carrying blasters Ahsoka had given each of them from the fallen storm troopers.

“Haha…”, she laughed dryly, “Of course, of course…did you find out anything useful before you were captured?”

“Unfortunately not much…just that this operation is enormous and that whatever they’re building is in orbit, not on the surface.”

“In orbit…?”, she wondered out loud. That was equally impressive and worrying. “Let’s head to one of the command centres on the lower levels, maybe the engine room, so we can access the ships logs and find out more.”, she instructed.

They made it to the engine room without too much trouble, and then allowed Andor’s partner to hack into the system and download whatever information they could find. A lot of it was encrypted, and some of it was so vaguely written it didn’t really tell them much. This much caution and secrecy was new for the Imperials, and not a good sign.

Once Ahsoka decided they had what they needed, she led them to the hanger where she thought she’d landed her ship. When they arrived she discovered they were in the wrong one. There were so many troopers between them and the hanger they needed to go to. She didn’t know if they’d make it. “I suppose we could steal some TIE’s…”, she thought out loud…

“You can fly a TIE fighter?”, Cassian replied incredulously.

She gave him an I’m-so-done-with-you look and said, “I can fly anything…plus these used to be Republic ships…”

They all looked a little awed and dumb struck but she didn’t notice because the thought of the republic made her feel a wave of sadness that she wasn’t expecting after all these years. She quickly shook herself out of it. They had a job to finish.

To be continued… 

Star Wars: Fulcrum, a History of the Galaxy's Most Important Code Name

Photo Credits: https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-fulcrum-ahsoka-cassian-andor-code-name/


A week ago, Ahsoka had sent a task force led by Cassian Andor to scout an imperial station in the outer rim. She’d been tipped off by Saw Garerra’s unit that the empire might be building some new kind of weapon there and if they were, she wanted to know about it.

Andor was one of the best spies in the whole alliance and she’d had no doubt that he’d be able to pull this off, but he was supposed to report to her with updates 2 days ago and she was beginning to worry.

She had briefly debated sending someone else to go check on them but she was almost certain that they’d been captured and she had the surest chance of getting them out. And she wasn’t particularly worried about blowing her cover because well…she’d done that enough times already…

Nevertheless, she needed to be subtle. She grabbed her old grey cloak, tucked her lightsabers and rations into a satchel, and set off.

As she emerged from hyperspace at her coordinates, she was instantly surprised by the amount of ships in orbit. There were construction modules, and enormous cargo haulers, and fleets of TIE’s flying around like a swarm of bees. Instantly she realised that she’d stumbled upon something huge. She wasn’t even sure if her task force had made it to the surface. This was a full planetary blockade.

She had decided to take a U-wing rather than a small fighter with the hopes of going unnoticed but with these many ships around she doubted anyone could get away unnoticed. If she let herself get captured then maybe she’d be able to figure out what had happened to Andor and his team, but they would confiscate her lightsabers and she didn’t want to attract unnecessary attention…

She deliberated for a moment, finally deciding that if she got onto one of the cruisers she could find Andor and check the ships manifest and logs to see what they were up to.

She flew into sensor range and was instantly hailed and arrested for trespassing. Perfect. She hid her lightsabers on the ship hoping that it would take the stormtroopers a while to find them…if they found them at all. She was taken to a a regular cell block with minimal security and no ray shields…how nice of them to make this easy for her. She allowed them to detain her, and search her, but before they could enter the prisoner log she knocked 3 of the soldiers unconscious and convinced the 4th one to remove her bonds and point her to a terminal where she could access prisoner logs.

As she scrolled through the logs she started to get a sinking feeling that her people weren’t here, then at last she found a name she recognised. She dashed to the level there terminal had pointed her to and to her relief she found all 3 rebels holed up together.

“Fulcrum?”, Cassian said in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”

Star Wars: Why Ahsoka Could Appear in the Andor Series Before Her Own Show

Photo Credits: https://screenrant.com/star-wars-ahsoka-cassian-andor-before-solo-series/