Luke Meets Ahsoka- Never Underestimate a Droid

Luka and Ahsoka were cooking themselves dinner after a long day of training when Luke had a sudden thought.

“Ahsoaka?”, he said tentatively


“Could I ask for a favour?”

“Sure”. Ahsoka was getting curious now.

“A friend of mine was captured by a gangster called Jabba the Hutt about a week before you found me, and I’ve been thinking about how to get him out of there ever since but…I just don’t know what to do.”

Luke looked puzzled at Ahsoka’s smiling face. “I’m sorry,” she said, “Jut thinking about how the droids used to say: ‘The Jedi rescue is a scenario that occurs 73% of the time beep boop beep’”, she finished, in a sorry imitation of a droid voice.

“So…are you gonna help me?,” Luke asked. 

“Of course.” she said smiling, “We’re Jedi, how could I not?”

Luke smiled back, and they got to work.

Ahsoka told Luke everything she knew about Jabba, leaving Luke shocked that he was so old, and Luke briefed her on his odd vendetta with the smuggler. Crime lords like him usually didn’t hold such a grudge so whatever Han had done must have been really something.

“Do you have any Star Charts we can refer to or any schematics of his palace on Tattooine?”, Ahsoka asked.

“Maybe, let’s go see if R2 has some specs.”

Luke walked them to his ship, where the droid was waiting. Ahsoka hadn’t through much of it before, there were a lot of R2 units, but when she saw the droid there was no mistaking him. Incredulously, she asked, “Is that droids number R2…D2 by any chance?”

“Yeah”, Luke replied, “How’d you know?”

“Holy Banthas”, Ahsoka breathed, right before R2 came hurtling towards her.

Beeb Beeb Screeech

“Artooee! I missed you too buddy!”, she exclaimed with jubilation. 

Beep Bop Boop

“I’ve been busy little guy, and I see you have too. Have you been taking good care of little Luke here?”

Beep Screeech, he said, spinning his head indignantly.

“Hey! I’m not little!”, Luke said, getting over his shock for a moment.

“This droid and I have been through a lot”, Ahsoka told Luke. “He belonged to your mother before your father even met him, he accompanied Anakin and I throughout the clone wars, and the last I saw him he belonged to Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan. How in the galaxy did he land up with you?”

Luke was so shocked he could barely formulate words but he managed to spill out the story of how R2 came into his possession. Ahsoka laughed as he finished, unsurprised. This droid had lived an incredibly wild life. He was probably the only droid in the galaxy who had never had his mind wiped.

Ahsoka knew exactly what that droid held in his memory banks, so she asked him to pull up a start chart of tattooine and its binary sun system along with everything he had on Jabbas palace. He’d been there a few times and he had the records from the Jedi Temple too.

Luke was barely keeping up with Ahsoka and R2’s strategising, and had to remind them more than once that this was his mission to rescue his friend, before they slowed down.

R2’s presence equally delighted and saddened Ahsoka. He reminded her of Anakin. All the adventured they’d been on, all the challenges they’d overcome. It was only fitting the R2 would be the one to guide Anakin’s son through his own adventures. Ahsoka marvelled out loud at the strangeness of the Force. ‘Nothing happens by accident’, she remembered, one of the first things Anakin had taught her.

It was the will of the force that she had been at Anakin’s side then, and that Luke was at hers now, and, of course, that R2 had been there all the way.

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Photo Credits: Star Wars The Clone Wars


“You fought in the Clone Wars!?”, Luke exclaimed, “Of course! With my father, and Obi-Wan!”

Ahsoka smiled, “I did..”

“What was it like?”, Luke asked hopefully.

After a moment, Ahsoka responded, “It was…quite the experience…At the beginning it was…fun, honestly. But as it started to drag on we lost sight of what we were really fighting for and a lot of us started to question the point of it all. We were supposed to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers…we lost our way…and it cost us everything…” She turned away. It was too painful to think about.

“Is…that why you left?”, Luke asked tentatively.

Ahsoka sighed sadly, “More or less”

Luke sensed Ahsoka’s pain but he wasn’t ready to give up on his excitement. “I’ve heard stories,” he ventured, “about the clones fighting 100’s of battle droids everyday…and these crazy space battles…?”

Ahsoka smirked, “You want the war stories huh? You’d have got on great with the Clones.”

Luke beamed at her. He looked so painfully like Anakin it made it doubly harder for her to talk about him…Nevertheless, she told him about the battle of Geanosis, Kamino, Ryloth, Christophsis, the Siege of Mandalore, you name it. They boy was relentless-

“What class star fighter were you flying!?”

“wOaH! That’s a LOT of droids!”

“Ouch! Was he ok?”

“R2 did that! He never tells me anything!”

“Pirates!? Cool!”

She told him stories everyday as they trained. And it was helpful because it reminded her to teach him certain tactics and strategies that he might find useful.

“The Clones sound amazing”, Luke said one day when she was telling him about the tragic battle of Umbar, “what happened to them?”.

Instantly Ahsoka’s expression became guarded. She turned off her lightsabers and said, “Order 66…that’s what happened…A story for another time, perhaps…pack up…enough training for today…”

Luke watched her walk away, thinking that maybe wars really weren’t all that great…

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Photo Credits :


Luke wasn’t looking forward to this. Ahsoka had been so upset when he’d lost his father’s lightsaber, how upset would she be when she heard this?

He’d arranged to meet her on Lothal. She had a mission there apparently…he wondered what it was, and if he could go with her as he wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself anymore. And he most certainly did not want to return to Tattooine…

He landed his ship at the coordinates she’d given him but didn’t disembark. It was cold and empty out here. He wondered why this was where Ahsoka wanted to meet…

Her ship landed not long after and he got out to meet her. As usual she displayed the ability that she could read his mind and said “There was a Jedi Temple here until a few years ago. I thought you should know. The Jedi had ‘outposts’, if you will, all across the galaxy. Many long forgotten before even I became a Jedi. The ones that are left and still untainted by the Sith are the only sanctuaries we have left…”

Luke noticed that she said “we”, even though she’d spent the better part of their time together telling him she wasn’t a Jedi. He wanted to know what happened to the temple but she seemed pretty sad already and it seemed a soft topic. 

She was silent for a long time, watching the horizon, so Luke decided he’d better just break the news to her. 

“Umm…Ahsoka?”, he said softly. “I met him. I fought Vader, just like Ben-, ah, Obi Wan said. Then the Emperor started torturing me with this blue lighting and…Anakin killed him…He saved my life…”

Ahsoka didn’t respond. Her expression was placid and unreadable. Then finally she said, “…But he isn’t coming back, is he?”

Luke shook his head dejectedly. Anakin might have been his father, but he meant so much more to Ahsoka. They’d been through so much together… “Hey”, he said softly, “He came back. You were right! He was in pain, but the light was never driven from him fully. He’d buried Anakin Skywalker, but he couldn’t destroy him. When he saw me…helpless…everything you told me about him came to the surface and he did what was right…Did you and Obi-Wan mean that I was the only hope to save him?

A tear ran down her cheek. “Yes…”, she whispered, “I’m glad you got to meet him, even if only for a moment… Years ago the three of us ran into some powerful Force beings that confirmed Anakin was the chosen one. And family always drove him…Thank you” 

She smiled, and Luke smiled back. They’d both lost so much, but this put both their minds at rest 🙂

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Photo Credits:


“so…”, Ahsoka said, “How much do you know about lightsabers?”

Luke took a moment to respond, “Really, nothing…I had my fathers old one but I…lost it when I fought Vader…” Ahsoka was surprised by how hurt she felt that Anakin’s lightsaber was lost…Ugh, she needed to focus…Since Luke knew nothing about lightsabers, she thought she’s better start from the beginning. “No problem,” she said  “you can practice with one of mine for now, but first you need to understand how they work, and why we use them.”

“Maybe you should sit down.” she added as an afterthought. He obliged, and sat down with his legs crossed on the cave floor. She sat down across from him and took out one of her sabers. She decided to channel her inner Master Huang and dissect it to show him how it worked. She closed her eyes and meditated, slowly levitating the hilt of the sword. She felt like she was 7 years old again on The Crucible, concentrating on each piece and screw and how they all fit together. When she opened her eyes Luke’s mouth was hanging open and his eyes were so wide she almost lost focus and laughed aloud. She smiled inspite of herself and told him, “this, is a lightsaber. It’s actually part of my second pair but the feel is the same, and that’s the most important thing. The sword and Jedi must be one, and the key component for that, is this.” She pointed at the Kyber crystal and continued, “it powers the lightsaber, gives it life, and connects it to you. In the Order…it was the greatest honour for a youngling to harvest their crystal and build their lightsaber.” She went on explaining the different components and wasn’t surprised by how quickly he caught on. It seemed he had his father’s mind for mechanics, and was very happy when she pointed this out to him.

“When do I get to build mine?”, he inquired, sounding impeccably like every youngling in the temple she’d ever met. She smiled slightly and gave him her best Jedi master answer, “When you’re ready.” He rolled his eyes at her and she started to laugh. Her lightsaber bits clattered to the floor and she could practically hear Master Huang tutting at her in her head. After she pulled herself together and reassembled her lightsaber she threw it to Luke and said “Let’s see what you can do with that. Use the dial on the left to adjust the length of the blade.”

He looked so comfortable with the blade in his hands. She walked him through the forms and styles, displaying her own backward grip and some of Anakin’s specialised styles too. They went over these for weeks. Ahsoka was unsure how long it would take for him to be truly ready, but he was determined, and she respected that. She’d decided to teach him a little bit about Jedi history too, even though she had a strange perspective on it. And of course she made him do force-control exercises. Those were Master Yoda’s favourite, and Luke, like Anakin, hated them.

They had interesting discussions while they trained. Ahsoka told Luke about the Clone Wars and his parents and how she’d come to join the Rebellion. Luke talked about his life on Tatooine and his own adventures with the Rebellion. Finally, one evening as they were collecting wood for a fire she told him, “you’re ready. It’s time for The Gathering.”

Jake Bartok on Twitter: "After watching Empire Strikes Back, I ...

Photo Credits: @JR_Bartok on Twitter. Check him out at and @jakebartok on Instagram too!

Master and Apprentice

“Who are you? And how did you find me?”, he said.

Ahsoka smiled. “I was a Jedi. Now I’m a rebel, just like you.”

Luke thought for a moment then wondered allowed, “How come you’re not a Jedi anymore?”

She looked into those innocent eyes and years of pain filled her with sorrow, “because we were broken…”

Sensing that this was a painful subject Luke decided to change the subject. “So…how did you find me?”

“You’re presence is strong…and familiar. When I heard the Rebellion had recruited another Jedi, I just had to know…”

“Familiar?”, he asked confused.

“You look just like him…”, she almost couldn’t go on, “Your eyes, full of adventure, and your little boyish smile…I wouldn’t have been able to tell you two apart but you’re so much smaller…I guess  it makes sense though because your mother…” she trailed off and looked up to see an absolutely starstruck sandy haired boy.

“You…you knew…my parents!!? Both of them!? How? When?…you were a Jedi! Of course!” His excitement was uncontainable and he held on to every single syllable of her following words like it was his life force.

She almost cried. “He was my master…and the best friend I could have ever asked for. He cared so deeply about his friends…his kindness surprised most people, except your mother…”

His eyes filled with tears…Ahsoka had never seen Anakin cry… “My…my…mother?”, he sniffled.

“She was beautiful, kind, brave and the strongest woman I’ve ever known. She made me see that the galaxy was not all black and white, and she made me believe…She brought hope to every citizen of her planet every time she spoke. She was the Queen and Senator of Naboo you know?” She smiled cheekily as she finished.

She wanted to tell him everything, but there was such little time. He had to know how it all happened. This boy was their only hope, she knew it. She remembered every single moment she had lived in a second. All the pain, all the loss, but then the memory of Luke’s mother, showed her all the hope.

“Luke”, she said, “The blood that runs through your veins…will save the galaxy.”


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Photo Credits:True-king-of-monsters on Tumblr.

(I’m not 100% sure about the image credit please let me know who created this if you know)

There is another…

She landed her ship a little further away from where she sensed the boy was.She thought it best to give him the option to leave, rather than springing up and forcing her presence on him. A strange sensation filled her…nostalgia? She let it pass…

They had never met before…but he knew something about her, and she knew…a little more than something about him.

She approached the cave with caution, who knew what sorts of creatures dwelled in the lower levels of this swamp…

As she entered the cave, she lit a flashlight, thinking that igniting her lightsabers would probably come off as threatening, and she was here to make friends.

She’d walked for a rather short while when she spotted him; he was a lot smaller then she expected…with a horrible pang ,she remembered Anakin.

“Hello”,she said, “You’re a hard man to find, you know?”

Getting off the floor, smiling, he said, “I’m Luke, How did you find me?”

“Oh,When you need help, the force provides…and, a little experience always helps.”

“Who are you?”, he replied, looking slightly sceptical.

She sighed. “The name’s Ahsoka Tano” ,you’re stuck with me, Skyguy…Though she didn’t say the later out loud…it was true:)

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Photo Credits:Fan Art composed by Angelus69Gitano