Luke WHAT!?

At the battle of Scarif, the crew of the Ghost waited till every last ship had managed to escape. When the Death Star had appeared, all was chaos. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing, but knew they had to keep on fighting. Sabine and Rex had begged to take The Phantom and enter the planet’s shield with the fighter group, insisting that they could be of more help down there, but Hera said she needed her whole crew together and the argument was over.

As soon as they saw the Tantive IV get clear of the lead Star Destroyer and jump away, the Ghost followed suit. The journey back to Yavin was silent, none of them ready to believe what they’d just witnessed.

When they arrived at Yavin, they started on ship repairs and tending to the wounded. This was only the beginning, they all knew more battles were coming, and soon. It was only a matter of time now before the Empire tracked them to this base. Their greatest hopes and fears were both realised within a few days when Princess Leia retuned with news of Alderaan’s destruction, and the Death Star pans. She had brought 2 young men and a Wookiee with her who’d apparently been responsible for her rescue. The Generals and analysts had gathered in the briefing room immediately to discuss an attack plan. Hera and Sabine were both offered fighters but decided to stay as a last line of defence for the base.

They watched, on edge, as the battle unfurled. They were losing fighters faster than ever before. The Empire was not messing around this time. Hera was about to jump into her ship and join the attack when she heard a cheer go up from behind her and saw the Death Star blow up on the view-screen. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Which pilot had made that shot?

They had little time to celebrate however, the Imperial fleet was no doubt on their way and they needed to evacuate.

“Who blew up the station?”, Hera asked after all the ships had left and the ghost was cruising through hyperspace.

“Apparently it was one of the strays General Organa picked up”, Kallus responded.

“Think I heard someone say his name is Luke Skywalker”, Zeb added with a shrug.

“Skywalker!?”, Rex and Sabine yelled at the same time. Hera raised an eyebrow. 

Zeb looked confused, “You know him?”

Rex was so stunned he didn’t manage to reply. He was sure there could be a 100 unrelated Skywalkers in the galaxy but he had a feeling about this kid. The idea that Anakin had a child was…as absurd as it was troubling. The only thing he knew for sure was that he had to talk to this him.

“Hera”, he asked, “You know which ship he’s on? I need to talk to this kid.”

“We’re headed to Hoth, you can talk to him there.” She replied. 

“Hoth?” Rex asked, “That’s an old Republiclic base, the Empire could easily find us there.”

“It’s one of the one’s they’ve pretty much forgotten about. What we need is their intact planetary shield. We just need somewhere to regroup for a little while and this base is perfect for that.”

“Alright.” Rex said, itching for answers.

When they landed on Hoth Rex instantly sought out the boy. When he saw him, he stopped dead in his tracks. He looked so much like his father, but he was small like, like his mother. Rex’s eyes widened, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The boy was obviously confused and asked, “Sir? Can help you with something?” Good god he even sounded like Anakin. Rex shook himself out of his shock. He needed conformation. “Uh, son,” he started awkwardly, “You know anything about your father?” He looked really confused but after a moment’s hesitation said, “Well, Obi-Wan told me he was a great Jedi and a pilot who fought with him in the clone wars and I uh, have his lightsaber.” He showed it to Rex but as soon as the word’s ‘Obi-Wan’ had left the boy’s mouth he was sure. Still, “General Kenobi is alive!?” was the first thing Rex said. Then the boy looked sad. “He…he was. He sacrificed himself so we could get off the Death Star…” He hung his head. After a moment he piped up again and asked, “I’m sorry, but who are you?”

“Ah, sorry kid, shoulda introduced myself. I’m Captain Rex, formerly of the 501st legion of the Republic, and now of the Rebel Alliance. I served beside your father for many years and he…he was one of the greatest men I ever knew.”

Princess of Nothing

Dust and Blood. That is all that is left of my planet. It was ripped apart before my eyes, before I could blink. And before I could even begin to process what I’d just witnessed I was whisked away back to my cold, dark, empty cell. The only family I’ve ever known or loved are gone and I can’t help thinking of Kier every minute. I can’t stop thinking that he was right…And he warned us, he knew that if we fought this fight we would never be safe. And now all those innocent, peaceful people? Half of whom never even knew about any of this, Are all gone.

…When it finally hit me I just curled up into a ball and sobbed my heart out. No one was watching, and no one heard me. I imagined my mother and father’s warm embrace. I felt them holding me just like they did the night that Kier died. But then I opened my eyes…and I didn’t know what to do. I thought of my mission. The plans. Obi wan Kenobi. It all seemed so distant and so irrelevant now. Who knew if anyone had even got my message, let alone followed its instructions. And even if they had, where would they go now? Alderaan…Alderaan is…, and my father too…and so is any hope of finishing this impossible mission.

That fire of rebellion I’d felt only hours ago when facing that blasted mind probe had diminished. The force inside me which brought me here in the first place had been silenced.

I am the Princess of Nothing.

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Photo Credits:                                                                

“Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it, you’ll never make it through the night.” ~Amyln Holdo (from ‘Star Wars The Last Jedi’)


A woman is different from a man, but that does not mean she is less.

If she dreams of leading her people, she will do just as well as the man before her.

If she believes that she can fight for her freedom, she will fight just as well as the man before her.

She is strong. Do not underestimate her.

She is a princess, a general, and a soldier–all at the same time.

Her actions for freedom speak just as loud as her words. She is compassionate, and never afraid.

She knows care and love.

She brings hope to those who have none.

She is reckless, yet calculated.

Her name is Leia.

She is strong. Do not underestimate her.

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Photo Credits: Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back

“I believe that because I can fight, I have to, for those who can not.” ~Leia Organa (from ‘Star Wars Rebels’)

Women Of The Galaxy

We are strong.We are brave.We have hope.We are Rebels.

Sabine:Even in the darkest times we are there to lift each other up, because we know that as long as we’re together we’ve got a chance.

Hera:We can’t back down just because we’re afraid.Now is our time to make things better, to change the galaxy.And I promise you, that we will.

Sabine:We make the impossible possible.We find the light in the darkest situations and then we spread that light to every corner of the galaxy.I never used to believe that before, but now I do, and you can too.

Leia:We fight for those who can not, and bring hope to those who have none.We make dreams come true.We are rebels, fighting for you.

Jyn: We can’t run, or hide.We must rise, and face the Empire together.This is our chance to make a real difference.

Ahsoka: It won’t be easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.We might be outnumbered, but when has that ever stopped us?

Mon Mothma: So stand, let us show the galaxy what we are capable of.Let us show them that it will take far more power than they possess to break us.

Leia:We hope for a brighter tomorrow; but hope is like the sun, if you only believe in it if you can see it, you’ll never make it through the night.

Ahsoka:So never lose hope.

Rebellions are built on hope.

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Photo Credits:


There’s always something…

Art. Art? She was at an art show, representing her father.This was not what she imagined when he’d said she could be his assistant.She thought it meant going on crazy missions and helping build the rebellion to defeat the Empire…But no, instead she was here, with some minister, getting bored, looking at the native(and damn ancient) art of this random backwater world.It was great!…

She roamed around the capital city, going from gallery to gallery; for hours…she was absolutely exhausted, but still tried to pay attention to what the minister was saying, just to be polite.She was a princess after all and blah blah blah, she needed to act like one…whatever.

She’d had a weird feeling about this trip before she’d left but wasn’t sure if it was stress, exasperation or just boredom; and it was still hanging around her stomach.As their guide was going on about some crystal ball thing, the building shook.

People started screaming—earthquake!Attack!Pirates!Take cover!It’s the rebels!—Her heart skipped a beat.What if it was the rebels?She got off the floor where most of the art work in the gallery was now strewn,(She was silently quite all right with this) and tried to think straight.What in the name of the force could have happened…Ughh;and she thought this trip was going to be uneventful…She spoke to the minister and a couple of his guards who were all milling around looking incredibly flustered…She advised everyone to stay put and calm down while she contacted Captain Antilles.

The comm-link buzzed and she jumped when she heard him yelling at her.“Thank the force you’re all ok!!We were worried sick! It’s Saw.He’s gone and blown up the east wing, this is getting out of hand your highness.We have to get out of here.Send me your location, I’m coming to get you right away.”



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Today’s a new day, a new beginning.~Ahsoka Tano (from ‘Star Wars Rebels’)

Photo Credits:Star Wars Rebels




If we could understand our emotions…

They’re gone, dead.Rogue One is dead.Everyone around me is miserable, but I don’t want to be.Rouge one are proof that if we have hope, we can win; and they were good people, the force will take care of them.And they will live on in our hearts forever.So why is everyone so depressed? I feel like their depression is reflecting upon me, and I don’t want it to!! I didn’t even know them. I’d met captain Andor once, briefly, but that was it; and still I feel like this is a personal loss, and I don’t like it.Its as if there’s this unpleasant, dead weight in my stomach that’s making everything seem odd.It’s strange.I’ve just been getting these random, almost nostalgic feelings ever since we left Scarif. It makes no sense.These don’t feel like my emotions. They’re disconnected from me and are making me feel disconnected from everyone else, for one reason.Mon Mothma kept tearing up when she contacted me after the battle and she almost switched off the hologram…

I’d actually been having a good week.The relief mission to Mykapo went really well and my paper for the apprentice legislature earned me a fair amount of ugly looks from the Imperial officers; but then this happened…The Death Star.

I mean, we got the plans, mission accomplished. At what cost? Said a nagging voice in her head which she tried to silence, but failed.I know many Rebels have already died for the cause and many, many more will die in the future; but the ones who survive will remain strong, because we have hope.

She was broken away from the world of her thoughts by Captain Antilles voice, ringing through her room.”Princess Leia, please report to the bridge, we’ll be coming out of hyperspace over Tattooine shortly”,he said; and she followed.Another adventure lay ahead of her.


Leia: Princess of Alderaan-Rebellion General

Scarif. Sandy, watery world with and imperial citadel tower, she remembered.She was so glad her father trusted her for such an important mission .Commandeering the Tantiv IV once again ,she raced across the galaxy.She knew her mission was to collect some stolen plans for an imperial weapon and take them back to rebel command, but nothing else, and trusted that her father didn’t either..The Rebellion had been revealed in its full force to the empire, they had seen what they were up against.What was going to surprise the Empire today, was Alderaan’s support to this Rebellion.She remembered Kier…and almost instantly tried to take her mind away from it.She needed to focus.She was afraid but energised, prepared for whatever came next.From the cockpit she heard Captain Antilles calling,”Coming out of hyperspace in 3,2,1″.Bam!The ship shook as a true battle, came into view.Leia couldn’t tell who was winning, all around her, she saw destruction and devastation.Was this what it was going to take to push back the Empire?She was brought back to her ship when they received a transmission from Admiral Raddus.He was sending them the plans for the weapon. Lieutenant Batten and Captain Antilles both cast her sideways glances as she gave the order to jump back into hyperspace.She knew what she was doing, they’d just narrowly escaped Darth Vader and she wasn’t going to risk being captured again. Yes, this was what it was going to take to push back the Empire and she was ready.These plans were vital to the survival of the Rebellion so she had to get them back to Yavin 4 for analysis, no matter how many lives were being lost on Scarif.     She had Hope. article-2533850-1A5DEB7900000578-948_634x440.jpg

Photo Credits:Star Wars Episode IV:A New Hope