A Call for Help

~Part Four~

Life on Lothal had started to become the way it had been in the early days of the Empire. Checkpoints, curfews, patrols, the whole deal. They had started out by deploying storm troopers,  then the tanks had arrived, and soon the military encampments.

Sabine, Ezra, and Jacen had debated for hours with the Governor about what do do about the First Order’s little occupation. They had no way to drive them out alone and no way to call for help. And besides, the First Order wasn’t in control…yet.

They hadn’t attempted to capture the Old Republic building, which meant they weren’t trying to be legitimate. They just wanted to spread fear. But the crew of the Ghost had had their fill of fear, and they weren’t interested in feeling like that ever again.

They encouraged the citizens to follow the First Order’s rules and assured them that they were working to drive them out, and ensured that everyone was comfortable and safe. They excelled at stealing and undermining oppressive rule. They gave the First Order the illusion of control, while continuing to execute little acts of rebellion without leaving a trace.

It reminded them of the old days. A mixture of sadness and joy. They had been more carefree then, but the darkest years of their lives had just been beginning.

Ezra hated seeing his home this way, everyone could tell that the memories haunted him. It was almost worse than before. He had promised to protect this place, these people, but he’d failed. He felt helpless. Every time they won, they lost. And if they didn’t find a way to help the Resistance soon, this fight would have been for nothing.

They worked everyday on getting their communications back up and when all modifications to their long range transmitter failed, they suspected that the First Order’s powerful jamming signal was coming from their lead cruiser which they’d only be able to bypass by boarding the ship and disabling it. They plotted and planned, preparing to sneak aboard, but all the odds were against them. They even tried to relocate the Jedi temple, but it had closed itself off beneath the surface years ago, it’s secrets lost forever.

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, the crew of the Ghost had almost begun to lose hope.

They were sitting in the command centre of the Old Republic building, feeling dejected after a long night, when their proximity alarm went off. There were ships emerging from hyperspace. They boarded the Ghost immediately, fearing the worst, to see who else had come to ravage their home.

But what they saw was nothing short of a miracle. When they arrived in the plant’s orbit, they were greeted by a small fleet of Resistance ships, led by none other than the Millenium Falcon. They nearly screamed with delight. How had they known to come?

It didn’t matter. They were attacking the lead destroyer and the Ghost sprung into action beside them.

Their comm crackled to life. “Hello there Rebels! How’s Lothal?”

“Lando!?” Sabine and Ezra said in unison.

“Is that the galaxy’s greatest artist and her Jedi friend I hear?” he replied. 

They just laughed.

They brought the First Order’s ship down in a fiery blaze that all of Lothal must have been able to see. There were still fighters and light cruisers on their tail but they seemed to be pulling back.

“Sending coordinates for rendezvous with the rest of the fleet ” Lando said.

“What!?”, Jacen replied. “We can’t just leave! I thought you were here to help us!”

“I’m sorry, I came here because the Resistance needs you to help us. The First Order’s ships are leaving Lothal. They’re regrouping. Emperor Palpatine has returned and he’s launched a massive attack on the planet Exegol. We need all the help we can get. If we lose that fight it won’t matter what happens here. We need to get moving.”

To be continued…

Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker' Confirms Lando Calrissian Fan Theory – The  Hollywood Reporter

Photo Credits: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

View from the Moon

For as long as Rey could remember, she’d wondered what her dusty old planet looked like from its moon. Was it as bright as the moon looked like from Jakku? It must be bigger, she thought…it’s definitely bigger…but by how much?  Did Jakku have phases like the moon or can you always see all of it? Did it just look like an orangish orb?

She longed to fly away, just to see it and come right back…but would she come back? When she’d learned how to fly a ship, all she could think about was flying away from that desolate place, but then she’d realised that the day she left could be the exact day that her parents returned. And so she trapped herself. Buried herself in her work. She learned to scavenge, and to fix things, and she made herself useful with her feet on the ground. 

And every day as she worked, as she roamed the sandy wastelands of her home world, she looked up at the moon and the stars and wondered what her life would be like if she’d made a different choice. 


Years later she met a man who claimed to have travelled the stars and lived all her wildest dreams, and before she knew it she was flying away with him. And even though she was escaping certain death, she couldn’t help stealing a glance at Jakku, to finally see what it looked like from the moon. 

And as she hurtled through the stars, feeling freer than she ever thought she would, she still feared that she might never find her family. Except she had found her family, just not in the way she’d expected. She had found her family on that ship, and she was never going back.


Happy Star Wars Day!!!! May the 4th be with you 🙂

6 Life Hacks You Can Learn from Rey | StarWars.com

Photo Credits: Star Wars The Force Awakens