Luke WHAT!?

At the battle of Scarif, the crew of the Ghost waited till every last ship had managed to escape. When the Death Star had appeared, all was chaos. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing, but knew they had to keep on fighting. Sabine and Rex had begged to take The Phantom and enter the planet’s shield with the fighter group, insisting that they could be of more help down there, but Hera said she needed her whole crew together and the argument was over.

As soon as they saw the Tantive IV get clear of the lead Star Destroyer and jump away, the Ghost followed suit. The journey back to Yavin was silent, none of them ready to believe what they’d just witnessed.

When they arrived at Yavin, they started on ship repairs and tending to the wounded. This was only the beginning, they all knew more battles were coming, and soon. It was only a matter of time now before the Empire tracked them to this base. Their greatest hopes and fears were both realised within a few days when Princess Leia retuned with news of Alderaan’s destruction, and the Death Star pans. She had brought 2 young men and a Wookiee with her who’d apparently been responsible for her rescue. The Generals and analysts had gathered in the briefing room immediately to discuss an attack plan. Hera and Sabine were both offered fighters but decided to stay as a last line of defence for the base.

They watched, on edge, as the battle unfurled. They were losing fighters faster than ever before. The Empire was not messing around this time. Hera was about to jump into her ship and join the attack when she heard a cheer go up from behind her and saw the Death Star blow up on the view-screen. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Which pilot had made that shot?

They had little time to celebrate however, the Imperial fleet was no doubt on their way and they needed to evacuate.

“Who blew up the station?”, Hera asked after all the ships had left and the ghost was cruising through hyperspace.

“Apparently it was one of the strays General Organa picked up”, Kallus responded.

“Think I heard someone say his name is Luke Skywalker”, Zeb added with a shrug.

“Skywalker!?”, Rex and Sabine yelled at the same time. Hera raised an eyebrow. 

Zeb looked confused, “You know him?”

Rex was so stunned he didn’t manage to reply. He was sure there could be a 100 unrelated Skywalkers in the galaxy but he had a feeling about this kid. The idea that Anakin had a child was…as absurd as it was troubling. The only thing he knew for sure was that he had to talk to this him.

“Hera”, he asked, “You know which ship he’s on? I need to talk to this kid.”

“We’re headed to Hoth, you can talk to him there.” She replied. 

“Hoth?” Rex asked, “That’s an old Republiclic base, the Empire could easily find us there.”

“It’s one of the one’s they’ve pretty much forgotten about. What we need is their intact planetary shield. We just need somewhere to regroup for a little while and this base is perfect for that.”

“Alright.” Rex said, itching for answers.

When they landed on Hoth Rex instantly sought out the boy. When he saw him, he stopped dead in his tracks. He looked so much like his father, but he was small like, like his mother. Rex’s eyes widened, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The boy was obviously confused and asked, “Sir? Can help you with something?” Good god he even sounded like Anakin. Rex shook himself out of his shock. He needed conformation. “Uh, son,” he started awkwardly, “You know anything about your father?” He looked really confused but after a moment’s hesitation said, “Well, Obi-Wan told me he was a great Jedi and a pilot who fought with him in the clone wars and I uh, have his lightsaber.” He showed it to Rex but as soon as the word’s ‘Obi-Wan’ had left the boy’s mouth he was sure. Still, “General Kenobi is alive!?” was the first thing Rex said. Then the boy looked sad. “He…he was. He sacrificed himself so we could get off the Death Star…” He hung his head. After a moment he piped up again and asked, “I’m sorry, but who are you?”

“Ah, sorry kid, shoulda introduced myself. I’m Captain Rex, formerly of the 501st legion of the Republic, and now of the Rebel Alliance. I served beside your father for many years and he…he was one of the greatest men I ever knew.”

Battle of the Heroes

As Obi-Wan fought, every cell in his body cried out in rebellion. This was wrong, so wrong.

He wasn’t trying to hurt Anakin. He couldn’t. His body was convinced that this was just another day of sparring. Another day spent training, learning the way the other fought.

He knew Anakin’s every move, and Anakin knew his, the only thing stopping them from decimating each other was one last shred of love.

Obi-Wan couldn’t bring himself to hurt him. This boy who he’d trained, who he’d raised, who he’d loved like a brother and a son.

He thought of Ahsoka, who loved him the same way. What would she say when she found out? How would she feel if he hurt Anakin?

What had happened to them? How had they gotten here?

He had the urge to cry like a baby, but he shoved that feeling down and focussed on the force. How it coursed through his veins like blood, and how he no longer felt that reflected back by the man across him.

Within seconds…it was over.

And then he couldn’t hold it back any longer.

Tears streamed down his face, masked by the sweat he’d collected during the fight.

“You we the chosen one! It was said that you would destroy the Sith not join them!”, he sobbed. “Bring balance to the force, not leave it in darkness…”

He walked away, picking up Anakin’s lightsaber as a reminder of all that could have been…

“You were my brother Anakin,” he said, chocking on the last word, “I loved you…”

He turned his back on his old friend, knowing that nothing would ever be the same again…

It had happened…he’d lost everyone…how was he supposed to go on from here?

Perhaps Anakin’s child would be the one…the one to bring peace to them all…

Obi-wan could barely take another step, yet he hauled himself all the way back to the ship. He didn’t have time to mourn just yet…

His mind was numb with pain, and as he walked he whispered desperately to himself, “A new hope will emerge…”


Why couldn't Anakin defeat Obi-Wan? Anakin was clearly a better Jedi, and  he saved Obi-Wan from all kinds of trouble. - Quora

Photo Credits: Star Wars Revenge of the Sith 


“You fought in the Clone Wars!?”, Luke exclaimed, “Of course! With my father, and Obi-Wan!”

Ahsoka smiled, “I did..”

“What was it like?”, Luke asked hopefully.

After a moment, Ahsoka responded, “It was…quite the experience…At the beginning it was…fun, honestly. But as it started to drag on we lost sight of what we were really fighting for and a lot of us started to question the point of it all. We were supposed to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers…we lost our way…and it cost us everything…” She turned away. It was too painful to think about.

“Is…that why you left?”, Luke asked tentatively.

Ahsoka sighed sadly, “More or less”

Luke sensed Ahsoka’s pain but he wasn’t ready to give up on his excitement. “I’ve heard stories,” he ventured, “about the clones fighting 100’s of battle droids everyday…and these crazy space battles…?”

Ahsoka smirked, “You want the war stories huh? You’d have got on great with the Clones.”

Luke beamed at her. He looked so painfully like Anakin it made it doubly harder for her to talk about him…Nevertheless, she told him about the battle of Geanosis, Kamino, Ryloth, Christophsis, the Siege of Mandalore, you name it. They boy was relentless-

“What class star fighter were you flying!?”

“wOaH! That’s a LOT of droids!”

“Ouch! Was he ok?”

“R2 did that! He never tells me anything!”

“Pirates!? Cool!”

She told him stories everyday as they trained. And it was helpful because it reminded her to teach him certain tactics and strategies that he might find useful.

“The Clones sound amazing”, Luke said one day when she was telling him about the tragic battle of Umbar, “what happened to them?”.

Instantly Ahsoka’s expression became guarded. She turned off her lightsabers and said, “Order 66…that’s what happened…A story for another time, perhaps…pack up…enough training for today…”

Luke watched her walk away, thinking that maybe wars really weren’t all that great…

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