Luke WHAT!?

At the battle of Scarif, the crew of the Ghost waited till every last ship had managed to escape. When the Death Star had appeared, all was chaos. They couldn’t believe what they were seeing, but knew they had to keep on fighting. Sabine and Rex had begged to take The Phantom and enter the planet’s shield with the fighter group, insisting that they could be of more help down there, but Hera said she needed her whole crew together and the argument was over.

As soon as they saw the Tantive IV get clear of the lead Star Destroyer and jump away, the Ghost followed suit. The journey back to Yavin was silent, none of them ready to believe what they’d just witnessed.

When they arrived at Yavin, they started on ship repairs and tending to the wounded. This was only the beginning, they all knew more battles were coming, and soon. It was only a matter of time now before the Empire tracked them to this base. Their greatest hopes and fears were both realised within a few days when Princess Leia retuned with news of Alderaan’s destruction, and the Death Star pans. She had brought 2 young men and a Wookiee with her who’d apparently been responsible for her rescue. The Generals and analysts had gathered in the briefing room immediately to discuss an attack plan. Hera and Sabine were both offered fighters but decided to stay as a last line of defence for the base.

They watched, on edge, as the battle unfurled. They were losing fighters faster than ever before. The Empire was not messing around this time. Hera was about to jump into her ship and join the attack when she heard a cheer go up from behind her and saw the Death Star blow up on the view-screen. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Which pilot had made that shot?

They had little time to celebrate however, the Imperial fleet was no doubt on their way and they needed to evacuate.

“Who blew up the station?”, Hera asked after all the ships had left and the ghost was cruising through hyperspace.

“Apparently it was one of the strays General Organa picked up”, Kallus responded.

“Think I heard someone say his name is Luke Skywalker”, Zeb added with a shrug.

“Skywalker!?”, Rex and Sabine yelled at the same time. Hera raised an eyebrow. 

Zeb looked confused, “You know him?”

Rex was so stunned he didn’t manage to reply. He was sure there could be a 100 unrelated Skywalkers in the galaxy but he had a feeling about this kid. The idea that Anakin had a child was…as absurd as it was troubling. The only thing he knew for sure was that he had to talk to this him.

“Hera”, he asked, “You know which ship he’s on? I need to talk to this kid.”

“We’re headed to Hoth, you can talk to him there.” She replied. 

“Hoth?” Rex asked, “That’s an old Republiclic base, the Empire could easily find us there.”

“It’s one of the one’s they’ve pretty much forgotten about. What we need is their intact planetary shield. We just need somewhere to regroup for a little while and this base is perfect for that.”

“Alright.” Rex said, itching for answers.

When they landed on Hoth Rex instantly sought out the boy. When he saw him, he stopped dead in his tracks. He looked so much like his father, but he was small like, like his mother. Rex’s eyes widened, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The boy was obviously confused and asked, “Sir? Can help you with something?” Good god he even sounded like Anakin. Rex shook himself out of his shock. He needed conformation. “Uh, son,” he started awkwardly, “You know anything about your father?” He looked really confused but after a moment’s hesitation said, “Well, Obi-Wan told me he was a great Jedi and a pilot who fought with him in the clone wars and I uh, have his lightsaber.” He showed it to Rex but as soon as the word’s ‘Obi-Wan’ had left the boy’s mouth he was sure. Still, “General Kenobi is alive!?” was the first thing Rex said. Then the boy looked sad. “He…he was. He sacrificed himself so we could get off the Death Star…” He hung his head. After a moment he piped up again and asked, “I’m sorry, but who are you?”

“Ah, sorry kid, shoulda introduced myself. I’m Captain Rex, formerly of the 501st legion of the Republic, and now of the Rebel Alliance. I served beside your father for many years and he…he was one of the greatest men I ever knew.”

A Call for Help

~Part Five~

Ezra’s stomach dropped. Emperor Palpatine? Alive? How? Luke had assured them that he was dead. Killed in front of his own eyes. He gritted his teeth. Why did the Sith have to be so resilient?

“From your lack of response I assume you’re shocked to the core and are coming with us.” Lando said grimly. “We have a few more systems to stop at before we regroup. We’re gonna need every able fighter we can find. Is there anyone else on the surface with a ship who might be willing to join us?”

Sabine was the first one to recover from the news. “Yes,” she said, “There are a few new republic soldiers who’ll come along, and if we put out a message I’m sure there’ll be others too.”

“Alright,” Lando replied, “Make it quick.”

Sooner than expected, 4 ships emerged from the planets surface, and they all jumped away. Jacen had added a few more systems to Lando’s list, and their first stop was Ryloth. He hoped Numa and her rebels were still alive and putting up a fight.

As they jumped from system to system, Lando explained everything to them, and they explained why they couldn’t make it to Crait, and how terribly sorry they were about it. The situation was far worse than they’d feared and they finally understood Lando’s urgency.

By the time they were ready to jump to Exegol they had acquired pretty much the biggest fleet ever. It wasn’t a Navy, it wasn’t even a coordinated group of fighters. It was just…people. All of them fed up tyranny and oppression. All of them ready to die to be free.

They’d had no word from Exegol for far too long and knew the situation must have been dire. Lando signalled to all the ships to set their navi-computers, prime their hyperdrives, and make the jump on his mark.


And just like that they were hovering over the most devastating battleground they had ever seen. Jacen’s eyes were wide. Ezra swore. Over the comm they heard Poe say, “I’m sorry…I thought we had a shot. There’s just too many of them…”

He sounded so dejected it broke Jacen’s heart. He wanted to scream “We’re here!” But Lando beat him to it.

“But there are more of us Poe,” He said. “There are more of us.”

That’s when Poe spotted them. The Falcon, and the Ghost right beside them, leading their new-found forces into the fray.

“Hey! Spectre 8!”Jacen shouted over the comm. Giddy with glee. “You miss me?”

Poe’s face lit up like a summers day, and then he just started to laugh. “Let’s show these guys how real rebels fly,” he replied. “Hit those underbelly cannons,” he announced to the whole fleet. “Every one we knock out is a world saved.”

And that was all it took. Soon, Star destroyers were going down in flames all around them. They heard cheers as well as painful cries over the comm, but the battle raged on.

On and on and on. Until they won.

~The End~

A Call for Help

~Part Four~

Life on Lothal had started to become the way it had been in the early days of the Empire. Checkpoints, curfews, patrols, the whole deal. They had started out by deploying storm troopers,  then the tanks had arrived, and soon the military encampments.

Sabine, Ezra, and Jacen had debated for hours with the Governor about what do do about the First Order’s little occupation. They had no way to drive them out alone and no way to call for help. And besides, the First Order wasn’t in control…yet.

They hadn’t attempted to capture the Old Republic building, which meant they weren’t trying to be legitimate. They just wanted to spread fear. But the crew of the Ghost had had their fill of fear, and they weren’t interested in feeling like that ever again.

They encouraged the citizens to follow the First Order’s rules and assured them that they were working to drive them out, and ensured that everyone was comfortable and safe. They excelled at stealing and undermining oppressive rule. They gave the First Order the illusion of control, while continuing to execute little acts of rebellion without leaving a trace.

It reminded them of the old days. A mixture of sadness and joy. They had been more carefree then, but the darkest years of their lives had just been beginning.

Ezra hated seeing his home this way, everyone could tell that the memories haunted him. It was almost worse than before. He had promised to protect this place, these people, but he’d failed. He felt helpless. Every time they won, they lost. And if they didn’t find a way to help the Resistance soon, this fight would have been for nothing.

They worked everyday on getting their communications back up and when all modifications to their long range transmitter failed, they suspected that the First Order’s powerful jamming signal was coming from their lead cruiser which they’d only be able to bypass by boarding the ship and disabling it. They plotted and planned, preparing to sneak aboard, but all the odds were against them. They even tried to relocate the Jedi temple, but it had closed itself off beneath the surface years ago, it’s secrets lost forever.

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, the crew of the Ghost had almost begun to lose hope.

They were sitting in the command centre of the Old Republic building, feeling dejected after a long night, when their proximity alarm went off. There were ships emerging from hyperspace. They boarded the Ghost immediately, fearing the worst, to see who else had come to ravage their home.

But what they saw was nothing short of a miracle. When they arrived in the plant’s orbit, they were greeted by a small fleet of Resistance ships, led by none other than the Millenium Falcon. They nearly screamed with delight. How had they known to come?

It didn’t matter. They were attacking the lead destroyer and the Ghost sprung into action beside them.

Their comm crackled to life. “Hello there Rebels! How’s Lothal?”

“Lando!?” Sabine and Ezra said in unison.

“Is that the galaxy’s greatest artist and her Jedi friend I hear?” he replied. 

They just laughed.

They brought the First Order’s ship down in a fiery blaze that all of Lothal must have been able to see. There were still fighters and light cruisers on their tail but they seemed to be pulling back.

“Sending coordinates for rendezvous with the rest of the fleet ” Lando said.

“What!?”, Jacen replied. “We can’t just leave! I thought you were here to help us!”

“I’m sorry, I came here because the Resistance needs you to help us. The First Order’s ships are leaving Lothal. They’re regrouping. Emperor Palpatine has returned and he’s launched a massive attack on the planet Exegol. We need all the help we can get. If we lose that fight it won’t matter what happens here. We need to get moving.”

To be continued…

Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker' Confirms Lando Calrissian Fan Theory – The  Hollywood Reporter

Photo Credits: Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

A Call for Help

~Part Three~

The shield was up in seconds and they all let out a small breath of relief, even though they still had too many TIE’s and an impossible number of storm troopers to deal with. Hopefully the First Order hadn’t brought tanks.

Chopper scanned through the city’s security feed to find the areas where the fighting was most concentrated and Ezra, Jacen, and Sabine grabbed speeders and headed there immediately. The New Republic Soldiers were fighting well but they were vastly outnumbered. Thankfully, 2 Jedi and a Mandalorian were enough to even the score. The three of them fought seamlessly, making their way through the ranks of Storm Troopers. They had significantly thinned out the herd when they heard an explosion right above them. It appeared chopper had commandeered the Phantom and had decided to act as air support. Jacen rolled his eyes and continued fighting.

Soon enough, the First Order’s forces had been routed. Most were either passed out or dead and the rest were fleeing. It didn’t seem like their re-enforcements were arriving anytime soon. Ezra sighed and made his way back to the command centre. He wanted to know what was going on.

The Governor informed them that all communications had been jammed and that their distress signal didn’t make it out. He also said that the First Order cruisers were maintaining position over the capital but had not yet fired. It seemed like they were setting up a blockade and just didn’t want anybody leaving. This was absurd, but maybe the message they’d received from the Resistance had something to do with it.

“Jacen,” Sabine said, “Play that message you got from the Rebel base.”

Jacen obliged, and a holo of General Organa bloomed to life.

“Rebels,” she started. “If this message has reached you, we need your help. Our fleet is lost, and the First Order is upon us. We have fought till our last breath and are hanging by a thread. We are hiding in an old Rebel base on the mineral planet Crait, but we won’t be able to hold out for much longer. If this resistance falls today, all our years of struggle will have been for nothing. All we’ve fought for, all our parents fought for, will be in vain. Remember why we fight. Remember all you’ve lost, and join us now so that we do not lose any more. This is our most desperate hour, you’re our only hope.”

It felt as though time had slowed down. None of them could believe what they were hearing. The First Oder must have known that the Resistance would call for help and sent their fleet to every system they knew they had allies to stop them from getting it. To make them feel abandoned…

Jacen was distraught. “We have to go,” he said desperately, “We have to go right now. We would take them by surprise. It could be just what they need to escape!”

“Is there any way we can get passed those cruisers?” Ezra asked.

“They’re blocking the hyperspace lanes,” Sabine said, “I don’t know.”

“We have to find another way.” Jacen insisted, “let’s work on getting our communications back up.”

Sabine nodded and without a word they got to work. They would find their way home. 

To be continued…

George Lucas' 'Star Wars' Sequel Trilogy Would Have Brought Back Darth  Maul, Leaned Heavily on Princess Leia -

Photo Credits: Star Wars The Last Jedi

A Call For Help

~Part Two~

Sure enough Ezra said, “Something’s coming,” right before a First Order fleet dropped out of Hyperspace right above them.

They all jumped up. “Chopper! Come on!”, Jacen yelled. The stupid droid wasn’t even paying attention. He was so old sometimes Jacen thought his circuits might be fried for good.

They took off immediately. “What the hell does the First Oder want with Lothal? They haven’t been back here in decades!” Ezra yelled over the comms.

“That is really irrelevant right now!” Sabine shouted back from the rear gun, “Help me get these ties off our tail first!”

“Both of you shush,” Jacen grumbled. “I’m not seeing any dreadnoughts so we’ve got something going for us.”

“Thank the Force,” Ezra muttered as he blasted a couple TIEs into oblivion.

“We’re receiving a transmission from…the Rebellion?” Jacen said suddenly.

“What!?” Sabine and Ezra replied in unison.

“Yeah. It’s probably from the Resistance. They must be at an old base,” Jacen said before nearly getting shot out of the sky. “It must be important. Should I- ah karabast!” They’d been hit.

Shields at 61%, chopper informed helpfully.

“Should I put it through?” Jacen asked.

“Not now!” Ezra shouted back. “We’re in the middle of an invasion!”

“And it could be a trap”, Sabine added. “The First Order has access to Imperial Intelligence records.”

Jacen ignored them both. His thinking had tunnelled. The only thing on his mind was Poe. He could sense that the resistance was in trouble. Big trouble. Something Terrible had happened.

“Ezra,” he pleaded, “We have to go. Somethings wrong. I can sense it.”

“Jacen, how? We have to deal with this first. We don’t even know what the Alliance, I mean Resistance wants.”

“We can’t leave now,” Sabine added sadly, “look around.”

They took Jacen’s silence as approval and continued fighting.

“Do you think we should get on the ground?” Ezra asked after a minute of silence. “The civilians down there won’t be able to protect themselves for long. Maybe we can get to the old republic building and raise the planetary shields.”

“Let’s head there,” Sabine agreed. “Then at least we’ll be safe from the cruisers”

Without another word they were on their way.

“We really need to get some more crew,” Jacen grumbled as he stretched all the way to the copilot’s side to boost the engines, remembering only after he settled back down that he could have used the force.

They landed their ship on a platform inside the old republic building, ran past Sabine’s lovely family portrait, and got to the command centre. The new governor of Lothal was there, looking frazzled as ever. He stepped aside immediately when he saw Sabine and let her do her thing. The shield was up in seconds and they all let out a small breath of relief, even though they still had too many TIE’s and an impossible number of storm troopers to deal with. They just had to hope that the First Order hadn’t brought tanks… 

To be continued… 

Star Wars Rebels: Legacy Review - Den of Geek

Photo Credits: Star Wars Rebels

A Call For Help

~Part One ~

Soon after the destruction of the Republic in the Hosnian System, reports of First Oder fleets occupying worlds in the outer rim had come flooding in. The crew of The Ghost were the first to see them in action. They had been on Ryloth, scouting an old rebel base for supplies, and giving Jacen a chance to visit his family home, when an enormous star destroyer dropped out of hyperspace right above them.

“Woah”, Ezra said as he saw it in full view from his perch in the turret gun. “What is that thing?”

“It’s huge,” Jacen muttered.

“We have to get out of here,” finished Sabine.

“Did we get everything we need?”, Ezra inquired.

“Doesn’t matter”

“Of course it does!”

“Not if we don’t make it off the planet!”

“Will you two knock it of!” Jacen interjected.

Chopper grumbled in agreement.

“Honestly Chop, how did you deal with them for so many years?”

“Please,” Ezra scoffed, “Your parents were way worse. Let’s get going.”

“Chop, Scramble the Ghosts signature” Sabine ordered as they pulled away. And just in time too. Moments after they’d cleared the surface, that monstrosity of a ship had opened fire on the planet and destroyed the entire city that they had just left behind.

“No!” Jacen yelled, “We have to help them! I’m turning the ship around.”

“We help them by surviving Jacen” Sabine said kindly. “If we go back now we’ll die for nothing.”

Jacen looked close to tears. He’d grown up on space stations and rebel bases but Ryloth was his home. He couldn’t stand to see it helpless like this. His family had fought too hard for their freedom to lose it all over again.

“Let’s head back to Lothal” Ezra suggested. “We can lay low for a little while and figure out what we’re up against. Then we’ll be back. I promise.”

When they arrived in Capital City on Lothal, they headed for Ezra’s house(well, it was all of theirs now but it used to belong to his parents). Lothal was one of the few safe planets that hadn’t fallen under oppressive rule in decades. It was the only place they had left where no one was trying to kill them…most of the time.

Sabine went to research about the new murder ship with chopper and Ezra went to take a nap, or maybe he was meditating. Jacen didn’t know or care. He stayed on the ship and pulled up a bunch of old holos of his parents. He had collected a small stash of them over the years. There were pictures of them together from long before he was born, recordings his father had made for Ezra’s Jedi training, a few that his mother had made when she was training Phoenix Squadron. He’d even found a birthday message from his second or third birthday with the whole crew that he’d watch over and over again. His grandfather had been in that one too. As he skimmed through the holos he thought about his mother. How she’d spent her whole life trying to make the galaxy a better place for him to live in. Seeing her home planet get destroyed, he felt like he’d failed her, and everyone who’d come before her. His whole family had spent their lives fighting, Hera had only hoped that Jacen wouldn’t have to. He would never forget the look on her face when they new war began. She was more heartbroken than anyone. 

Jacen slept on the ship that night. It was the last piece of his family he had left. Whenever he was on The Ghost he felt like he was surrounded by his mother and father’s warm embrace. He felt like a child, safe in his mothers arms, and he loved it. 

The next morning they gathered in the house so Sabine could brief them about the First Order’s new ships. They were Dreadnaught class, but far more dangerous than the old separatist frigates that shared the same name. These ships were equipped with what was essentially miniaturised death star tech. They couldn’t blow up a planet, but a city, a few ships, definitely. This was bad. They had no real way to combat these things without fighters or bombers. They were alone, their best plan right now was just to avoid them. 

They sat in silence for a few minutes, contemplating their new adversary, when Ezra’s head suddenly jerked up. Jacen hated when he did that, he always knew something was about to happen. 

Sure enough Ezra said, “Something’s coming,” right before a First Order fleet dropped out of Hyperspace right above them. 

To be continued… 

Is Ezra Bridger the greatest Jedi in Star Wars canon?

Photo Credits: Star Wars Rebels

The Student Becomes the Master

It was just another day at Chopper Base. Things were going slow as Hera and Sabine had gone on a supply run and Zeb was out doing who knows what. Ezra was laying in bed tossing his lightsaber up and down for lack of anything better to do when Kannen walked into the room. 

“Hey Kannen”, he said

“Um, Ezra”, he replied looking uncomfortable, “I need your help with something.”

“Sure!”, Ezra said, perking up, “what do you need?”

“I want you to help me train…to fly The Ghost”

Ezra just stared blankly at him for a minute. 

Kannen scowled and said “what?”, when Ezra didn’t respond. 

“Umm kannen, are you sure that’s a good idea?”, Ezra said finally. 

Kannen sighed. “We spend a lot of time in space. Most of our battles are fought on The Ghost. I need to be able to help. And I know I can.”

“Is that even legal? Flying…um, blind?”

Kannen smirked at that. “Kid, everything we do is illegal. Besides, Jedi train to trust the force more than our eyes. There are many ways to see.”

“Alright. If you’re sure. Just don’t blame me when Hera comes after you for wrecking her ship.”

Kannen chuckled, “You got a deal.”

They decided it’d be safer to try with the phantom because if anything happened to The Ghost they’d be dead men. Kannen had a trouble with all the buttons, but he could steer just as well as ever. Then he accidentally jumped into hyperspace, cursing the damn buttons, and Ezra decided the lesson was over.

“Let’s try shooting”, Ezra suggested, “It’s not like Hera’s letting any of us fly her ship anyway.”

“Alright”, Kannen agreed, sounding glum.

They flew the ghost a bit away from Chopper Base so that they wouldn’t blow it up and when they found a good spot Ezra got outside with some empty crates while Kannen climbed up to the turret gun.

“Ready?”, Ezra asked through the comm

“Ready”, Kannen replied with conviction.

“Ok, here goes.”

Ezra levitated the crates using the force and steadied them in front of the ship. He started with fairly fixed targets and then started moving them around. Kannen didn’t miss a single one. Ezra quickly realised it was too easy for him and decided to try multiple targets at once. Kannen shot them down so fast Ezra almost got crushed by one as it was falling to the ground.

Ezra whooped through the comm, making Kannen smile. 

“Thanks kid”

“Anytime master” 🙂

Riffing on Star Wars: #33 – Reflections on Rebels Season 3 at the Halfway  Point | Brown's Review

Photo Credits: Star Wars Rebels

Children of the Rebellion

Jacen and Syndulla and Poe Dameron grew up together. Their parents were Rebel leaders, and all they ever wanted to do was be just like them. As it turned out, they both grew up to be exactly the reckless flyboys they’d hoped.

 Jacen taught Poe about the force and the Jedi, telling him amazing stories about his father and his adventures, and Poe had an absurd amount of smuggler stories to share with Jacen. They were both born to fly. “I’m gonna be the best pilot in the galaxy one day,” Jacen would say. “Better than Han Solo?”, Poe would tease. “Better than my mom”, Jacen would reply with conviction. Then Poe would smile, “We’ll be better than all of them.”

They decided that they would start fighting for the rebellion together as soon as they could and that Poe could join the crew of the Ghost as Spectre 8. Luckily or unluckily for them, the war ended before they were even old enough to fly. They joined the New Republic Fighter Academy instead, and became part of the Navy but then Poe went on a different path for a while…

When Poe joined The Resistance, Jacen was the first person he called. He told Jacen to join them as well and he obliged. They fought together on the ghost and i their X-wings. Sabine, Ezra and Chopper were still part of the crew and they sort of adopted Poe. But as time went by Poe was needed on more and more for spy and stealth missions, which he went on alone, and Jacen and the Ghost crew spent more and more time in the outer rim protecting the planets with no military from the rising First Order. General Organa had wanted them to regroup with The Resistance fleet at their new base in the Illenium system but the Ghost crew refused to leave the outer rim undefended.

When they saw the strike from Starkiller base they were devastated, but still they did not regroup. When they received the distress call from Crait they were in the middle of a battle on Lothal, the one place they wouldn’t leave for anything. Poe thought that even if only one person heard that call and came to help it would be Jacen, and when he didn’t show it broke his heart. Poe knew that wherever Jacen was he was saving lives, but it still hurt.

Finally, at the battle of Exegol, they were reunited. When Poe saw the Falcon emerge from hyperspace with the Ghost right behind, he was so overjoyed he nearly got shot out of the sky. “Hey! Spectre 8!” Jacen said, “You miss me?”. Poe just laughed, “Let’s show these guys how real rebels fly.”


Photo Credits: Artwork by me.

Before a Battle

Alarms blared throughout the Rebel command ship as soldiers and pilots raced around screaming orders at one another. A message had just come in for Mon Mothma and she had ordered everyone to their stations and all ranking officers to the command centre.

On the Ghost, Hera was busy with Jacen, who was throwing a fit, so she had to send Rex to the briefing instead. Perhaps it was the alarms that had scared her little boy, or maybe he’d just sensed the coming conflict. Hera sighed, a warship was no place to raise a child, but there was nowhere safe left to leave him. Sabine had offered to take care of him on Lothal but she had her own problems to deal with there, and caring for a child was no easy task. Fortunately, Jacen was a joy to everyone around him. Everyone in the alliance loved him and were always ready to babysit when they had time off. He was a light in the darkness, and a constant reminder of what they were all fighting for.

Hera had just managed to calm him down when Rex burst onto the ship looking harrowed, followed by Kallus and Zeb. They hadn’t been at the briefing but Rex must have picked them up on his way back. Before Hera could say anything Rex said, “You’d all better sit down…I’ve got bad news…”

They sat in complete silence, with their eyes wide as Rex told them about the briefing and the coming attack on the new Death Star. Hera couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Another Death Star?”, Zeb muttered in disbelief, voicing Hera’s exact thoughts.

“How did they build another one so quickly?”, Kallus asked, “The first one took over 20 years.”

“Apparently it was easier the second time because they knew what they were doing…can’t believe this is happening all over again…We’re gonna have to contact everyone we’ve ever met for this one…”, rex replied, shaking his head. Hera understood how he felt. He’d been fighting longer than any of them, and he was getting tired of this. Every time they one, the Empire just kept coming back, it was getting easier by the day to lose hope. 

Rex shook her out of her thoughts, “There’s more”, he said, “It’s not all bad. This could potentially be a great opportunity for us. The weapon’s not fully finished, and according to our intel the Emperor himself  is overseeing the final stages of its construction. We also have the plans to the station and the analysts have found a weakness so if we can blow this thing up then…”

He didn’t dare finish, they didn’t dare hope for too much, but they all knew what he meant. “Karabast”, Zeb said, “This could be it.”

“This is going to be the riskiest, most dangerous operation we have ever attempted.”, Kallus replied.

Finally, Hera spoke, “This is our chance. Our last chance. We give it everything we’ve got, and when this is all over, we’ll either be free or our children will. Rex, are we prepped to fly?”

“Yes sir”

“Alright. Kallus, start the pre flight check while the rest of you contact everyone we know who could possibly help.”

“Sabine?”, Zeb asked.

“She’s too far away, this whole op will be over before she can even get here.”, Hera replied sullenly. “Send her a coded transmission and let her know what’s going on. If this goes sideways she can bring backup.” She paused for a minute, thinking. “Rex, I have a feeling we’re gonna need some more crew on this one. Bring Wolf, and see if anyone’s volunteering to be my co-pilot.”

“Sure thing General…um, also, I volunteered to go with General Solo’s strike team. I’m better at ground assault.”

Hera nodded, “Try to stay on comms and keep us updated. I’m going to talk to Lando…” She rolled her eyes and walked off the ship, unable to believe that he’d not only joined up with the rebellion, but had also been made a general…the smooth talking sleemo.

She and Lando talked over their attack plan and decided that the Falcon would enter the death star and take out the reactor while the Ghost covered the cruisers. The Death Star may not have been operational but they were sure the Empire would have left a fleet of ships to protect it.

When Hera returned to the Ghost, everyone was ready and Jacen was crying again. She hated the idea of taking him with them but they didn’t have a base anymore so the safest place for him to be was definitely with her. Zeb didn’t seem to like the idea, but he didn’t see a better option either.

As soon as Hera managed to calm Jacen down again, they were on their way. She smiled, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day for her son.   

Do Kanan and Hera Have A Child & How Was He Conceived?

Photo Credits: Star Wars Rebels

Luke Meets Ahsoka- Never Underestimate a Droid

Luka and Ahsoka were cooking themselves dinner after a long day of training when Luke had a sudden thought.

“Ahsoaka?”, he said tentatively


“Could I ask for a favour?”

“Sure”. Ahsoka was getting curious now.

“A friend of mine was captured by a gangster called Jabba the Hutt about a week before you found me, and I’ve been thinking about how to get him out of there ever since but…I just don’t know what to do.”

Luke looked puzzled at Ahsoka’s smiling face. “I’m sorry,” she said, “Jut thinking about how the droids used to say: ‘The Jedi rescue is a scenario that occurs 73% of the time beep boop beep’”, she finished, in a sorry imitation of a droid voice.

“So…are you gonna help me?,” Luke asked. 

“Of course.” she said smiling, “We’re Jedi, how could I not?”

Luke smiled back, and they got to work.

Ahsoka told Luke everything she knew about Jabba, leaving Luke shocked that he was so old, and Luke briefed her on his odd vendetta with the smuggler. Crime lords like him usually didn’t hold such a grudge so whatever Han had done must have been really something.

“Do you have any Star Charts we can refer to or any schematics of his palace on Tattooine?”, Ahsoka asked.

“Maybe, let’s go see if R2 has some specs.”

Luke walked them to his ship, where the droid was waiting. Ahsoka hadn’t through much of it before, there were a lot of R2 units, but when she saw the droid there was no mistaking him. Incredulously, she asked, “Is that droids number R2…D2 by any chance?”

“Yeah”, Luke replied, “How’d you know?”

“Holy Banthas”, Ahsoka breathed, right before R2 came hurtling towards her.

Beeb Beeb Screeech

“Artooee! I missed you too buddy!”, she exclaimed with jubilation. 

Beep Bop Boop

“I’ve been busy little guy, and I see you have too. Have you been taking good care of little Luke here?”

Beep Screeech, he said, spinning his head indignantly.

“Hey! I’m not little!”, Luke said, getting over his shock for a moment.

“This droid and I have been through a lot”, Ahsoka told Luke. “He belonged to your mother before your father even met him, he accompanied Anakin and I throughout the clone wars, and the last I saw him he belonged to Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan. How in the galaxy did he land up with you?”

Luke was so shocked he could barely formulate words but he managed to spill out the story of how R2 came into his possession. Ahsoka laughed as he finished, unsurprised. This droid had lived an incredibly wild life. He was probably the only droid in the galaxy who had never had his mind wiped.

Ahsoka knew exactly what that droid held in his memory banks, so she asked him to pull up a start chart of tattooine and its binary sun system along with everything he had on Jabbas palace. He’d been there a few times and he had the records from the Jedi Temple too.

Luke was barely keeping up with Ahsoka and R2’s strategising, and had to remind them more than once that this was his mission to rescue his friend, before they slowed down.

R2’s presence equally delighted and saddened Ahsoka. He reminded her of Anakin. All the adventured they’d been on, all the challenges they’d overcome. It was only fitting the R2 would be the one to guide Anakin’s son through his own adventures. Ahsoka marvelled out loud at the strangeness of the Force. ‘Nothing happens by accident’, she remembered, one of the first things Anakin had taught her.

It was the will of the force that she had been at Anakin’s side then, and that Luke was at hers now, and, of course, that R2 had been there all the way.

43 Mandalorian and The Child ideas in 2021 | mandalorian, star wars, star  wars fans

Photo Credits: Star Wars The Clone Wars