A Soul for a Soul

After Padmé died, he almost had nothing left to live for. He had failed, again, and he wanted revenge. He wanted to inflict upon the universe, all the years of pain it had inflicted on him. He wanted to squeeze the galaxy until it submitted to his will, because if he couldn’t control his own pain and his own life, why should anyone else be able to control theirs?

Finding the crash site with the Clones graves and Ahsoka’s frozen lightsaber had been the final straw. How could everything he loved be gone? But then the rage welled up inside him again and he realised, no. They were not gone. They had left him. Left him all alone, refused to stand beside him. First Ahsoka, then Obi-Wan, then the council, then Padmé…one by one they’d betrayed him. But not the Emperor. He had always believed him him, still Vader didn’t trust him. The conspiracy with the clones…he had been used by the Emperor too.

The Emperor did not have his loyalty, and he never would. Vader only needed him to finish his plans for the galaxy and to exact his revenge. Then he would rest. He promised himself that he would never endure pain again.

Can we talk about that final Darth Vader scene in Rogue One? - The ...

Photo Credits: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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